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Recovery Homes

Round green logo with man with arms raised standing on hill facing sunrise

Lazarus House
Lazarus House
Men's Home - 6 beds

Mary & Martha House
Mary & Martha House
Women's Home - 5 beds

Mark's House
Mark's House
Men's Home - 8 beds


YSS Recovery Homes includes Lazarus House, Mark's House, and Mary and Martha House. The program was started by Shelley and the late Bill Rohrig to honor the memory of their son Mark who had struggled with depression and died after a fall.

Our homes serve men and women ages 18 and older who are trying to get their lives back on track after treatment. This is a residential, gender-specific program. It is a place to call home, with as many of the comforts of home as possible within our means and budget.

We are not a treatment facility, although we will assist folks through local treatment services, including Medication Assisted Treatment. Length of stay is 6 months, during which time a resident can build on strengths learned in treatment, get back to school, and look for employment, while living in a safe recovering home along with others in recovery.

Residents are expected to follow simple directions, do house chores, attend local 12-Step Meetings (AA/NA) or similar support groups. Abstinence from all illicit drug use is required.

Recognizing Substance Use Disorder (Addiction) as a disease, we do support Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for those who choose this treatment path under medical supervision. In addition to behavioral therapy/counseling at a local treatment center, each resident becomes part of a safe and loving community.

We accept applications from correctional facilities, hospitals, treatment centers or by showing up on our doorstep. After screening, a decision will be made as to whether or not a person is suitable for this program.

For information or for questions about an application, contact Nic Cochran at 304-650-4624 or

Mission & Vision    Program Requirements    Online Application


RISE & RECONNECT: YSS Recovery Homes Spring/Summer 2021 Newsletter

RISE & RECONNECT: YSS Recovery Homes Winter 2020-21 Newsletter

Lazarus/Mary & Martha House Summer 2020 Newsletter

Lazarus/Mary & Martha House Winter 2019-2020 Newsletter

Lazarus/Mary & Martha House Summer 2019 Newsletter

Lazarus/Mary & Martha House Winter 2018-2019 Newsletter